Virtual brochure and information for the Michigan Deer Crash Coaltion, one of many online travel brochures for tourist information in the State of Michigan. Provided by your source for Mackinaw Information and Mackinac Information.
Virtual PDF brochure of the Michigan Deer Crash Coaltion
Don’t Veer for Deer!
Buckle up - Slow Down - Stay Alert
Deer Demand Our Attention
Car-deer crashes are a year-round problem that deserves the attention of the motoring public. Every year in Michigan, car-deer crashes take the lives of drivers or their passengers, cause thousands of serious injuries, and result in millions of dollars in property damage.
The state’s 1.75 million-strong deer herd is most active in spring and fall, but it is autumn when the largest percentage of crashes occur. Car-deer crashes are at least a $130 million a year problem in Michigan. The average car-deer crash causes about $2,000 in damage, usually to the front end, often leaving the vehicle undriveable.
When you see a deer on the roadway ahead, you sometimes have only a brief moment to react. And you may not know the right thing to do. Statistics show that most motorist deaths and injuries occur when drivers swerve to avoid hitting the deer and strike a fixed object, like a tree, or hit another vehicle. No one wants to see a deer destroyed, but striking the animal is often the safest action.
Deer-Vehicle Collision Facts
Motorcyclists must be especially wary of the possible presence of deer on the roadways they are traveling. Of special note, unlike car-deer crashes, motorcycle-deer crashes occur mostly in the summer months when large numbers of riders are out enjoying the countryside.
It must be stressed that over 80% of all motorcycle-deer crashes involve an injury. Riders are urged to lower their speeds on rural roadways, especially at dawn and dusk when deer are most active.
What is being done to reduce car-deer crashes?
The department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Michigan State University is completing two research projects that will give insights into what may be done to reduce the number of car-deer crashes (CDCs) in southeast Michigan. One study is determining environmental factors affecting the distribution and frequency of CDCs, while the other is examining drivers’ knowledge and attitudes about CDCs with a hope of identifying education opportunities. The studies were conducted in Oakland, Washtenaw, and Monroe counties, which represent a variety of traffic patterns, driver characteristics, land-use, and deer habits.
Although it may seem that way sometimes, CDCs are not a random event on the highway and there are things that can be done to reduce their frequency if drivers take time to learn. There risk of a CDC is greatest on secondary 2-3 lane highways and increases in areas with higher speed limits. Deer density and vehicle miles driven on a highway that crosses through deer habitat combine to increase the likelihood of a CDC.
Commuters, especially middle aged male drivers, are the ones most frequently involved in CDCs. Whereas more CDCs occur at periods of dawn and dusk, the greatest risk of CDC to individual drivers is in darkness, later at night. Drivers should be extra cautious in the fall between October 15 and December 15, as this is the season of greatest movement by deer. Less than half of CDCs experienced by questionnaire respondents were reported to either police of insurance. This suggests that the actual number of CDCs may be much greater than previously thought. Perhaps the single most important thing drivers can do is slow down and be more aware of deer after dark and during the fall.
Members of the Michigan Deer-Crash Coalition facilitated development of this research and participated as consultants to the projects. The research is funded by the Michigan Department of Transportation, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, and the Institute for Public Policy and Social Research at MSU. For more information, visit the MDCC website at:
What You Can Do
If crash is unavoidable
After a crash
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