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Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping

Cabins of Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping

Cabins are fading from the scene in Mackinac. Once popular, they are rapidly giving way to multistory "hotels" with little personality or charm. Fortunately, the folks at Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping have taken it upon themselves to create a cabin renaissance. Rustic and modern cabins encompassing everything from remodeled "classic" cabins (circa 1940), to economical minimalist shelters to deluxe beautiful modern cabins - you can find it all at Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping. This year they are testing Time Magazine's invention of the years The Icopod - check it out!

Photo of logo for TV 9&10 News' Viewers Choice for Favorite campground in Northern Michigan.

Cabins at Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping

Examples of cabins at Mackinaw Mill Creek Camping, one of Michigan's leading tourist destinations.

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